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This box is dedicated to the process of unwinding. The items in this box are geared toward leading you along the path to ease. Glasses holder, catch-all tray, organic cotton socks, bottle opener, glass mug—can you sense the order of operations here?
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What's Inside?


Nothing punctuates the day like the sound of keys clattering into their home for the night. Your lovely new tray is here to be that resting place. Along with your glasses holder, your tray allows you to breezily drop your things off on entering the home with the assurance of their remaining in one reliable place. Since when was staying organized so effortless?

Your new goods were crafted in north central India, where woodcarving is a way of life with deep roots. Nevertheless, many artisans wish for their children to abandon the tradition for something more profitable. Organizations like Matr Boomie that invest in artisans with fair trade make it more likely they will consider the work beneficial enough to pass on.

Suggested use: Un-encumber thyself! Toss keys, phone, and wallet in tray. Never lose your sunglasses again by keeping them in this same, rather unforgettable, spot.


You arrive home at the end of a long day, you kick off your shoes and swap dress pants or jeans for something a little more elastic. You complete your spell of softness by slipping into your new cotton socks...

And then there is nothing else to do but settle in to a state of reprieve. As your happy feet pad around the house, you’ll be glad to know that your choice of organic cotton stands in the affirmative to both environmental preservation and humane conditions for those who work in the industry, farmers and factory workers alike.

Compared to conventional cotton growth, organic cotton farming significantly reduces energy use and water consumption. Meanwhile, farmers are not exposed to toxic chemicals in the field, and, because organic farming entails growing a variety of crops at once, farmers achieve additional sources of food and income to boot.

Suggested use: Slip on and slip into a whole new mood...


And nothing follows the sound of keys falling into their evening tray like the clish of carbonation anointing the atmosphere, cracking open a new mood.

Crafted by those same woodcarvers in northern India who brought you your new tray and nose, your bottle opener is the next step in the natural progression of unspooling into the nest after a long day. Not to mention, it’s positively classy. Having dropped your things and kicked off your shoes, clearly the next thing to do is open a bottle of something...easeful.

Despite their dedication to their craft, over the past several years, the woodcarvers have been losing domestic business and their ability to make a sustainable living. GlobeIn’s orders have resuscitated this vital livelihood and the sense of pride that accompanies it, while invigorating the younger generation toward the art form.

Suggested use: Sip, relax, repeat.


When it comes to drinking vessels, a different shape is a whole different vibe. Your glass mug, for example, is a world away from a wine glass—although filling it with wine is obviously a fine idea. Mugs, of course, are not usually glass, and that makes this piece rather unique. Less dainty than the wine glass, your mug calls to mind the kingliness of a goblet, but with an informal air that says couch much more than throne.

This innovative shape took its form in Tonalá, Jalisco, a hub of glassware and pottery and home to the glass-blowing workshop Cristaluc. Established in 2001, Cristaluc aims to bring the best of the city’s tradition to the rest of the world, while supporting its group of 40 local artisans with a steady income and an inspiring space in which to pursue their art.

Suggested use: Fill with something refreshing...


We’re so excited to announce that this summer we will be collaborating with the Fair Trade collective Matr Boomie in a fundraising project that will directly affect the woodworkers responsible for making your new glasses holder, tray, and bottle opener.

Matr Boomie works with three different woodworking co-ops made up of over 200 artisans. As you know, these artisans live in a remote rural region of northern India where economic opportunity is scarce. So is healthcare. And, as founder Manish says, “If these artisans are not healthy, their ability to provide for their family fades away.”

Both dust-born diseases and poor eyesight are common among the woodworkers. In the past, Matr Boomie has distributed face masks to prevent dust inhalation. This year, we’re going 50/50 with them on an initiative to distribute eyeglasses and provide free eye checkups to all of these artisans. We thank you for being an integral part of making this difference, of impacting these lives.

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